Why subscribe?

Because you want more interesting and provocative content from the realm of Max Stirner’s egoist philosophy and critique of morality and social obligation.

Maybe you also want to become a more critical thinker? Then you are in the right place.

What I do:

1. I write and create content (essays and videos) about philosophy, egoism and anarchism - particularly, Max Stirner’s work. For videos: FIND OUT MORE!!!

2. I am building a network community for Stirnerites. FIND OUT MORE!!!

I want to help people explore themselves and the world by engaging critically with the things we have been taught to conform to without question.

I'm also a poet and literary fiction writer. MY POETRY!!!

If you sign up for free:

access to free content (essays).

If you sign up for the paid newsletter you will receive the following:

access to paid content which includes any articles related to my life, my personal stories, my thoughts and my asperations. you also get access to all of my research, upon request.

Want to find out more about me and why I do what I do?

Who I am and Why I write (Paid Content)

I have spent the last 20 years, since I was 17, working, sometimes 3 jobs at a time, to provide and support and care for my family and myself.

My life has been incredibly exhausting and I am at a point now where I have to honestly say...I can't continue on like this.

I hardly ever see my daughter.

I don't have any time to focus on my health (physically and psychologically) and due to several emergency situations I have acquired quite a bit of debt which I am slowly paying off.

My day job is social work and freelancing in the realm of tutoring, teaching classes and workshops, proofreading, ghostwriting, article writing and translation.

And I enjoy those activities.

But I have had zero time or financial capacity to focus on my own work.

I am a philosopher, a critic and a poet/literary fiction writer. These are my passions.

I want to do my part in spreading knowledge and encouraging people to liberate themselves.

If you are here to support that...you are amazing. And I thank you from the deepest places in my heart, for believing in me.

What I plan to do:

I would like to grow this project in several, interlinked directions.

If you’re interested in networking…hit me up.

You can support the project here:

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Thoughts of an Egoist


all things are nothing to me